Anti-Serb From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Serbophobia)
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Austrian pre-WWI caricature showing a hand crushing a Serb. The phrase reads "Serbia must die" The term was used in the literary and cultural circles since before World War I. Croatian writers Antun Gustav Matoš and Miroslav Krleža had casually described some political and cultural figures as "Serbophobes" (Krleža in the four volume "Talks with Miroslav Krleža", 1985., edited by Enes Čengić), meaning that they perceived an anti-Serbian animus in a person's behavior. Miloš Acin-Kosta in his book Draža Mihailović i Ravna Gora (Draža Mihailović and Ravna Gora) dedicates a section to Serbophobia during World War II. In the 1986 draft Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Serbophobia is mentioned.[2][dead link] Cadik Danon, the then-Chief Rabbi of Yugoslavia et al. in an open letter[3] to the American Jewish Committee in 1995, during the bombing of Republika Srpska by NATO during Bosnian War, wrote of a background of "... unrestrained anti-Serbian propaganda, raging during all this war, following the Naz1 model, but much more efficient means and in a much more sophisticated and more expensive way. ... Even American Jews were not able to withstand this propagandistic poison,... they did not recognize the Naz1s and racist nature of the Serbophobic dogma. They did not identify Serbophobia as a twin sister of anti-semitism ...". [edit]Anti-Serb instances
According to those who use the term, Serbophobia can range from individual hatred to institutionalised persecution. An example of Serbophobia is the jingle Alle Serben müssen sterben (All Serbs Must Die), which was popular in Vienna in 1914[4][dead link] (also occurring as: Serbien muß sterbien). The use of the term "Vlah", as well as the use of the word "Chetnik" as a derogatory designation for anything connected to Serbs (rather than a paramilitary as in its only accurate meaning) is frequent among Croats and among Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina (aka Bosniaks), during and after the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s.[5] The word shkije (sub-human) in the Albanian language is a derogatory word for Serbs.[6] The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia submitted to the The International Court of Justice[7] in 1997 claims that acts of genocide against Serbs had been incited by Croatian "Patriotic Song" which read as follows: Dear mother, I'm going to plant willows, We'll hang Serbs from them. Dear mother, I'm going to sharpen knives, We'll soon fill pits again.[7] the publishing in a newspaper of, "Each Muslim must name a Serb and take oath to kill him."[7] the radio broadcast of "public calls for the execution of Serbs".[7] Nationalist Croats use to shout the slogan "Kill the Serb" frequently during public events, most notable during Marko Perković Thompson's concerts,[8][9] but also frequently during sporting events.[10] During the summer of 2009, as more Serb tourists began arriving to the coastal resorts in Croatia, several of them have seen their cars being vandalized.[11] [edit]Criticism
Critics associate the use of the term Serbophobia with the politics of Serbian nationalist victimization of late 1980s and 1990s as described, for example, by Christopher Bennett. According to him, Serbian nationalist politicians have made associations to Serbian "martyrdom" in history (from the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 to the genocide during World War II) to justify Serbian politics of the 1980s and 1990s; these associations are allegedly exemplified in Slobodan Milošević's Gazimestan speech at Kosovo Polje in 1989. The reaction to the speech as well as the use of the associated term Serbophobia is a matter of heated debate even today.[12] In late 1988, months before the Revolutions of 1989, Milošević accused critics of his regime and political tactics like the Slovenian leader Milan Kučan of “spreading fear of Serbia”.[13] According to political scientist David Bruce Macdonald, the term was popularised in the 1980s and 1990s during the re-analysis of Serbian history.[14] The term was often likened to anti-Semitism, and expressed itself as a re-analysis of history where every event that had a negative effect on the Serbs was likened to a "tragedy".[14] Often associated with the politics of Serbian victimization of late 1980s and 1990s.[15] [edit]See also
Discrimination List of anti-ethnic and anti-national terms Stolen Kosovo - documentary film Western propaganda Xenophobia [edit]References
^ ^ SANU ^ C. Danon, 'et al.': Open letter asking for help from the American Jewish Committee. 1995. ^ Trifkovic, Srdja (April 13, 2000). "Why Yugo-Nostalgists are Wrong". Chronicles. Retrieved 2006-04-29. ^ ^,March2006.pdf ^ a b c d INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE 17 December 1997 Case Concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishmnent of the Crime of Genocide retrieved 26 August 2007 ^ - Thompson pozdravio Norca, rulja uzvikivala "Ubij Srbina!" ^ 60 tisuća ljudi po nevremenu dočekalo Thompsona, vikalo se i 'Ubij, ubij Srbina!' - ^ ^ ^ Comment: Serbia's War With History by C. Bennett, Institute for War & Peace Reporting, April 19, 1999 ^ Communism O Nationalism!, TIME Magazine, October 24, 1988 ^ a b MacDonald, D. B. (2003) ^ Bennett, C. (1999) Србообија и њени извори, Јеремија Д. Митровић, Издање: Политика и друштво, 1992, ISBN 86-23-03053-2 (Serbian) [edit]Further reading
National Library of Serbia's catalogue lists following books written about serbophobia: Serbophobia and its sources: Mitrović, Jeremija D. (1991). Srbofobija i njeni izvori. Belgrade: Naučna knjiga. ISBN 86-23-03053-2. (second edition Srbofobija i njeni izvori. Belgrade: Službeni glasnik. 2005. ISBN 86-7549-423-8.) Serbophobia and antisemitism: Ekmedžić, Milorad (2000). Srbofobija i antisemitizam. Šabac: Beli anđeo. On serbophobia through centuries: Blagojević, Lazar; Ilišković, Rajko; Pavlović, Ilija (2004). O srbofobiji kroz vijekove. Šamac: Prosvjeta. ISBN 99938-687-2-8. [edit]External links
Cambridge Papers article Victim Chic? The Rhetoric of victimhood including Serbophobia Northern California Jewish Bulletin Mentioned in Library of Congress of USA Globalizing the Holocaust:A Jewish "usable" past in Serbian nationalism -David McDonald, University of Otago, New Zealand Independent site detailing atrocities against the Serbian people [edit]Use in various languages Neue Serbophilie und alte Serbophobie, "New Serbophilia and Old Serbophobia", a Junge Welt article, in German Marc Fumaroli, an article from Lire, a French literary magazine, in French Europa e nuovi naz1onalismi, an article by Luca Rastello, in Italian Бомбы или гражданская война, a Sevodnya article, in Russian Сатанизација Срба, коме она треба?, a book by Boris Olijnik, in Serbian 'СПЦ може да предизвика србофобија кај Македонците, a Nova Makedonija article, in Macedonian Ku është antimillosheviqi?, an AIM article, in Albanian Globalizing the Holocaust: A Jewish ‘useable past’ in Serbian Nationalism, by David MacDonald, University of Otago New Zealand
Zitat von Milan[s]Nein ich bin Serbe. Die Russen haben die Serben nur mißbraucht. Wo waren die Russen in den 90er. Da war Jelzin an der Macht. Wo sind Russen seit 2000 unter Putin und Medwedew. 2003 hat Putin die paar Truppen aus Kosovo abgezogen. Die Russen sind feige, die sich hinter der Uno verstecken. Das soll eine Weltmacht sein, eine Weltmacht hätte sie gleich durch eine massive Drohung gestoppt, statt dessen haben die Russen nur gekuscht, wo sind die Russen 2010. Weggelaufen vom Balkan. Die Serben sind dumm, sie werden von den Russen nur mißbraucht. Leider ist China nicht in Europa, die würden nicht permanent drohen und dann feige Weglaufen wie die Russen.
edit by TRI - "Mustafa" habe ich mit seiner Hetze gelöscht/gesperrt
Du hast keine Ahnung! Erstens war da die Auflösung der Sowjetunion Russland war am Boden und trotzdem haben sie uns noch so gut wie möglich unterstützt! Besonderes Danke an die freiwilligen die nach Bosnien und ins Kosovo gekommen sind um uns zu helfen. Zweitens hat Russland gedroht, sollte sich Kosovo abspalten wird das Konsequenzen mit sich tragen und was ist geschehen, Abchasien und Südossetien trennen sich von Georgien und es kommt zum Krieg. Drittens haben die Russen Serbien milliarden von € an Kredit gegeben und vorallem den Kosovo Serben sehr geholfen dabei haben sie selber große Probleme im eigenen Land. Hier noch einige Videos die dir das alles beweisen.
Zitat von Milos_Obilic"milan" oder bessergesagt "mustafa" geh dein ramadan feiern und langweille uns nicht mit deinem rotz du hrinloser vehabija
gut gesprochen, diesen Rassisten habe ich nun gesperrt
so was geisteskrankes erlebt man nur bei den Islamisten
ich werde dieses Tread nun wieder reinigen (Beiträge verschieben in Papierkorb) soviel Rassistenwahn hält echt kein echter Serbe (oder sonstiger Mensch mit Verstand) aus